All your files in one secure location, accessible anywhere.

Fylo stores all your most important files in one secure loaction. Access them wherever you need, share and collaborate withfriends, family and co-workers.

Access your files, anywhere

The ability to use a smartphone, tablet or computer access your account means you files follow you everywhere.

Security you can trust

2-factor authentification and user-controlled encryption are just a couple of the security features we allow to help secure your files.

Real-time collaboration

Securely share files and folders with friends, family and colleagues for live collaboration. No email attachments required.

Store any type of file

Whether you are sharing holiday photos or work documents, Fylo has you covered allowing for all file types to be securely stored and shared.

Stay Productive, wherever you are

Never let location be an issue when accessing your files. Fylo has you covered for all of your file storage needs.

Securely share files and folders with friends, family and colleagues for live collaboration. No email attachments required.

See how fylo works →

Fylo has improved our team productivity by an order of magnitude. Since making the switch our team has become a well-oiled collaborartion machine.

Satish Patel Founder & CEO, Huddle

Fylo has improved our team productivity by an order of magnitude. Since making the switch our team has become a well-oiled collaborartion machine.

Satish Patel Founder & CEO, Huddle

Fylo has improved our team productivity by an order of magnitude. Since making the switch our team has become a well-oiled collaborartion machine.

Satish Patel Founder & CEO, Huddle

Get early access today

It only takes a minute to sign up ans our free starter tier is extremely generous. If you have any questions, our support team would be happy to help you.

Challenge by Frontend Mentor. Coded by Macaulay Uzu